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getAuthorizationUrl() - Static method in class az.araezarzosa.spotifyoverlay.spotify_in_game_overlay.SpotifyAuthorizationServer
The getter for the URL that opens for authorization.
getHeight() - Static method in class az.araezarzosa.spotifyoverlay.spotify_in_game_overlay.OverlayWindow
Getter for the height of the overlay
getPositionString() - Static method in class az.araezarzosa.spotifyoverlay.spotify_in_game_overlay.OverlayWindow
Getter for the String describing the position of the overlay.
getScreenSize() - Static method in class az.araezarzosa.spotifyoverlay.spotify_in_game_overlay.OverlayWindow
Getter for the screen size of the desktop.
getSpotifyApi() - Static method in class az.araezarzosa.spotifyoverlay.spotify_in_game_overlay.App
Getter for the API object.
getTrack(String) - Static method in class az.araezarzosa.spotifyoverlay.spotify_in_game_overlay.App
Returns the Track object of a track using its ID and the API.
getUsersCurrentlyPlayingTrack() - Static method in class az.araezarzosa.spotifyoverlay.spotify_in_game_overlay.App
Returns the CurrentlyPlaying object used to retrieve information such as Track id.
getUsersCurrentPlaybackInfo() - Static method in class az.araezarzosa.spotifyoverlay.spotify_in_game_overlay.App
Gets information on the playback of the user.
getWidth() - Static method in class az.araezarzosa.spotifyoverlay.spotify_in_game_overlay.OverlayWindow
Getter for the width of the overlay.
guiInitialized - Static variable in class az.araezarzosa.spotifyoverlay.spotify_in_game_overlay.App
Keeps track of whether the GUI has been displayed or otherwise.
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