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TRACK_CHANGE_UPDATE_INTERVAL - Static variable in class az.araezarzosa.spotifyoverlay.spotify_in_game_overlay.OverlayWindow
The interval in which the track changes will be checked in milliseconds.
TRACK_PLAYING_UPDATE_INTERVAL - Static variable in class az.araezarzosa.spotifyoverlay.spotify_in_game_overlay.OverlayWindow
The interval in which the track playing/pausing status will be checked.
TRACK_PROGRESS_CHANGE_UPDATE_INTERVAL - Static variable in class az.araezarzosa.spotifyoverlay.spotify_in_game_overlay.OverlayWindow
The interval in which the track progress will be checked.
TrackChangeExecutor - Static variable in class az.araezarzosa.spotifyoverlay.spotify_in_game_overlay.OverlayWindow
The executor of the track change checker Thread.
TrackPlayingExecutor - Static variable in class az.araezarzosa.spotifyoverlay.spotify_in_game_overlay.OverlayWindow
The executor of the Track Playing/Pausing checker thread.
TrackProgressChangeExecutor - Static variable in class az.araezarzosa.spotifyoverlay.spotify_in_game_overlay.OverlayWindow
The executor of the Track Progress checker Thread.
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