
public class OverlayWindow
extends java.lang.Object
Stores information and methods related to the display of the overlay.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type Field Description
    private static javax.swing.JLabel albumArtLabel
    The label storing the album art.
    private static javax.swing.JPanel albumArtPanel
    The panel storing the album art.
    private static int albumArtSize
    The size of the album art display square.
    private static javax.swing.JLabel artistNameLabel
    The label displaying the artist name.
    private static java.awt.Color barColor
    The color of the progress and volume bars in the overlay.
    private static int barOffset
    The offset by which to move the progress bar to the right of the album art.
    private static int buttonSize
    The size of the previous, pause, play, and skip buttons.
    private static javax.swing.JPanel contentPanel
    The content panel managing the layout of the overlay.
    private static java.awt.image.BufferedImage currentArt
    The current album art of the user's currently playing track.
    private static se.michaelthelin.spotify.model_objects.miscellaneous.CurrentlyPlayingContext currentInfo
    The context of the user's currently playing track.
    private static se.michaelthelin.spotify.model_objects.miscellaneous.CurrentlyPlaying currentlyPlaying
    The CurrentlyPlaying of the user's currently playing track.
    private static se.michaelthelin.spotify.model_objects.specification.Track currentTrack
    The current Track object the user is playing.
    private static javax.swing.JFrame frame
    The overlay frame.
    private static int height
    The height of the overlay.
    private static boolean isPlaying
    Value storing the status of the user's playback.
    private static int MARGIN
    The amount of pixel displacement from the corner the overlay will go through.
    private static javax.swing.JButton nextButton
    The button to go to the next track.
    private static javax.swing.JButton pauseButton
    The button to pause/resume playback.
    private static java.lang.String positionString
    The String storing the position of the overlay.
    private static javax.swing.JButton previousButton
    The button to go to the previous track.
    private static javax.swing.JSlider progressBar
    The progress bar object.
    private static int progressHeight
    The width of the progress bar.
    private static javax.swing.event.ChangeListener progressListener
    The listener that is used to track user movements of the progress slider.
    private static javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicSliderUI progressSliderUI
    The UI that the progress bar will use.
    private static int progressWidth
    The width of the progress bar.
    private static java.awt.Dimension screenSize
    The size of the user's screen.
    private static javax.swing.JLabel songNameLabel
    The label displaying the song name.
    private static int TRACK_CHANGE_UPDATE_INTERVAL
    The interval in which the track changes will be checked in milliseconds.
    private static int TRACK_PLAYING_UPDATE_INTERVAL
    The interval in which the track playing/pausing status will be checked.
    The interval in which the track progress will be checked.
    private static java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService TrackChangeExecutor
    The executor of the track change checker Thread.
    private static java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService TrackPlayingExecutor
    The executor of the Track Playing/Pausing checker thread.
    private static java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService TrackProgressChangeExecutor
    The executor of the Track Progress checker Thread.
    private static int VOLUME_INIT
    The initial value for the volume slider.
    private static int VOLUME_MAX
    The maximum value for the volume slider.
    private static int VOLUME_MIN
    The minimum value for the volume slider.
    private static int volumeHeight
    The height of the volume bar.
    private static int volumeOffset
    The offset by which to move the volume bar to the right of the buttons.
    private static javax.swing.JSlider volumeSlider
    The slider to change the volume on Spotify.
    private static javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicSliderUI volumeSliderUI
    The UI that the volume bar will use.
    private static int volumeWidth
    The width of the volume bar.
    private static int width
    The width of the overlay.
    private static int x
    The X coordinate the overlay will be placed in.
    private static int y
    The Y coordinate the overlay will be placed in.
  • Constructor Summary

    Constructor Description
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    static int getHeight()
    Getter for the height of the overlay
    static java.lang.String getPositionString()
    Getter for the String describing the position of the overlay.
    static java.awt.Dimension getScreenSize()
    Getter for the screen size of the desktop.
    static int getWidth()
    Getter for the width of the overlay.
    static void setAlbumArt​(java.awt.image.BufferedImage image)
    Setter for the album art corresponding to the current playing track displayed in the overlay.
    static void setArtistName​(java.lang.String name)
    The setter for the artist name text field in the overlay.
    static void setPositionString​(java.lang.String string)
    Setter for the string describing the position of the overlay.
    static void setProgress​(int progress)
    The setter for the progress bar, indicating how long a track has been playing.
    static void setProgressMax​(int max)
    The setter for the maximum of the progress bar, namely the length of a song in milliseconds.
    static void setSongName​(java.lang.String name)
    The setter for the track name text field in the overlay.
    static void setVolume​(int volume)
    The setter for the value of the volume slider.
    static void setWindowOpacity​(float newOpacity)
    Sets the overlay's opacity to the desired number.
    static void setWindowPosition​(int newX, int newY)
    Sets the overlay's position to the specified coordinates on the screen.
    static void setWindowSize​(java.lang.String size)
    Sets the overlay's size to the desired set size
    Namely, Small, Medium, or Large
    static void showOverlay()
    Displays the overlay and whatever track information it can receive upon starting.
    static void startTrackChangeUpdateExecutor()
    Starts the async thread to listen for track changes.
    private static void startTrackPlayingExecutor()
    Starts the async thread to listen for track playing/pausing changes.
    private static void startTrackProgressExecutor()
    Starts the async thread to listen for track progress changes.
    private static void stopExecutorServices()
    Stops all async executors gracefully.
    private static void updateTrackChange()
    The method that the TrackChangeExecutor executes at intervals.
    private static void updateTrackPlaying()
    The method that the TrackPlayingExecutor executes at intervals.
    private static void updateTrackProgress()
    The method that the TrackProgressChangeExecutor executes at intervals.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

    • MARGIN

      private static final int MARGIN
      The amount of pixel displacement from the corner the overlay will go through.
      See Also:
      Constant Field Values
    • frame

      private static javax.swing.JFrame frame
      The overlay frame.
    • x

      private static int x
      The X coordinate the overlay will be placed in.
    • y

      private static int y
      The Y coordinate the overlay will be placed in.
    • screenSize

      private static java.awt.Dimension screenSize
      The size of the user's screen.
    • width

      private static int width
      The width of the overlay.
    • height

      private static int height
      The height of the overlay.
    • barColor

      private static java.awt.Color barColor
      The color of the progress and volume bars in the overlay.
    • albumArtSize

      private static int albumArtSize
      The size of the album art display square.
    • progressWidth

      private static int progressWidth
      The width of the progress bar.
    • progressHeight

      private static int progressHeight
      The width of the progress bar.
    • volumeWidth

      private static int volumeWidth
      The width of the volume bar.
    • volumeHeight

      private static int volumeHeight
      The height of the volume bar.
    • buttonSize

      private static int buttonSize
      The size of the previous, pause, play, and skip buttons.
    • volumeOffset

      private static int volumeOffset
      The offset by which to move the volume bar to the right of the buttons.
    • barOffset

      private static int barOffset
      The offset by which to move the progress bar to the right of the album art.
    • contentPanel

      private static javax.swing.JPanel contentPanel
      The content panel managing the layout of the overlay.
    • albumArtLabel

      private static javax.swing.JLabel albumArtLabel
      The label storing the album art.
    • albumArtPanel

      private static javax.swing.JPanel albumArtPanel
      The panel storing the album art.
    • songNameLabel

      private static javax.swing.JLabel songNameLabel
      The label displaying the song name.
    • artistNameLabel

      private static javax.swing.JLabel artistNameLabel
      The label displaying the artist name.
    • progressSliderUI

      private static javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicSliderUI progressSliderUI
      The UI that the progress bar will use.
    • volumeSliderUI

      private static javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicSliderUI volumeSliderUI
      The UI that the volume bar will use.
    • progressBar

      private static javax.swing.JSlider progressBar
      The progress bar object.
    • previousButton

      private static javax.swing.JButton previousButton
      The button to go to the previous track.
    • pauseButton

      private static javax.swing.JButton pauseButton
      The button to pause/resume playback.
    • nextButton

      private static javax.swing.JButton nextButton
      The button to go to the next track.
    • volumeSlider

      private static javax.swing.JSlider volumeSlider
      The slider to change the volume on Spotify.
    • positionString

      private static java.lang.String positionString
      The String storing the position of the overlay. Starts by displaying the overlay at the Top Left.

      private static final int VOLUME_MIN
      The minimum value for the volume slider.
      See Also:
      Constant Field Values

      private static final int VOLUME_MAX
      The maximum value for the volume slider.
      See Also:
      Constant Field Values

      private static final int VOLUME_INIT
      The initial value for the volume slider.
      See Also:
      Constant Field Values
    • isPlaying

      private static boolean isPlaying
      Value storing the status of the user's playback.
    • currentTrack

      private static se.michaelthelin.spotify.model_objects.specification.Track currentTrack
      The current Track object the user is playing.
    • currentlyPlaying

      private static se.michaelthelin.spotify.model_objects.miscellaneous.CurrentlyPlaying currentlyPlaying
      The CurrentlyPlaying of the user's currently playing track.
    • currentInfo

      private static se.michaelthelin.spotify.model_objects.miscellaneous.CurrentlyPlayingContext currentInfo
      The context of the user's currently playing track.
    • currentArt

      private static java.awt.image.BufferedImage currentArt
      The current album art of the user's currently playing track.

      private static final int TRACK_CHANGE_UPDATE_INTERVAL
      The interval in which the track changes will be checked in milliseconds.
      See Also:
      Constant Field Values

      private static final int TRACK_PLAYING_UPDATE_INTERVAL
      The interval in which the track playing/pausing status will be checked.
      See Also:
      Constant Field Values

      private static final int TRACK_PROGRESS_CHANGE_UPDATE_INTERVAL
      The interval in which the track progress will be checked.
      See Also:
      Constant Field Values
    • progressListener

      private static javax.swing.event.ChangeListener progressListener
      The listener that is used to track user movements of the progress slider.
    • TrackChangeExecutor

      private static java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService TrackChangeExecutor
      The executor of the track change checker Thread.
    • TrackPlayingExecutor

      private static java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService TrackPlayingExecutor
      The executor of the Track Playing/Pausing checker thread.
    • TrackProgressChangeExecutor

      private static java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService TrackProgressChangeExecutor
      The executor of the Track Progress checker Thread.
  • Constructor Details

    • OverlayWindow

      public OverlayWindow()
  • Method Details

    • showOverlay

      public static void showOverlay()
      Displays the overlay and whatever track information it can receive upon starting.
    • setWindowOpacity

      public static void setWindowOpacity​(float newOpacity)
      Sets the overlay's opacity to the desired number.
      newOpacity - Float value of the overlay's new opacity.
    • setWindowPosition

      public static void setWindowPosition​(int newX, int newY)
      Sets the overlay's position to the specified coordinates on the screen.
      newX - X coordinate.
      newY - Y coordinate.
    • setWindowSize

      public static void setWindowSize​(java.lang.String size)
      Sets the overlay's size to the desired set size
      Namely, Small, Medium, or Large
      size - Desired overlay size.
    • getScreenSize

      public static java.awt.Dimension getScreenSize()
      Getter for the screen size of the desktop.
      Dimension object containing the desktop screen's size.
    • getWidth

      public static int getWidth()
      Getter for the width of the overlay.
      Overlay width.
    • getHeight

      public static int getHeight()
      Getter for the height of the overlay
      Overlay height.
    • getPositionString

      public static java.lang.String getPositionString()
      Getter for the String describing the position of the overlay.
      the String.
    • setPositionString

      public static void setPositionString​(java.lang.String string)
      Setter for the string describing the position of the overlay.
      string - The new String for the overlay's position.
    • setAlbumArt

      public static void setAlbumArt​(java.awt.image.BufferedImage image)
      Setter for the album art corresponding to the current playing track displayed in the overlay.
      image - The BufferedImage object to be displayed.
    • setSongName

      public static void setSongName​(java.lang.String name)
      The setter for the track name text field in the overlay.
      name - The text to be used in the text field.
    • setArtistName

      public static void setArtistName​(java.lang.String name)
      The setter for the artist name text field in the overlay.
      name - The text to be used in the text field.
    • setProgress

      public static void setProgress​(int progress)
      The setter for the progress bar, indicating how long a track has been playing.
      progress - The number in milliseconds to set the progress bar to.
    • setProgressMax

      public static void setProgressMax​(int max)
      The setter for the maximum of the progress bar, namely the length of a song in milliseconds.
      max - The new maximum amount of the progress bar.
    • setVolume

      public static void setVolume​(int volume)
      The setter for the value of the volume slider.
      volume - The new value.
    • startTrackChangeUpdateExecutor

      public static void startTrackChangeUpdateExecutor()
      Starts the async thread to listen for track changes.
    • updateTrackChange

      private static void updateTrackChange()
      The method that the TrackChangeExecutor executes at intervals.
    • startTrackPlayingExecutor

      private static void startTrackPlayingExecutor()
      Starts the async thread to listen for track playing/pausing changes.
    • updateTrackPlaying

      private static void updateTrackPlaying()
      The method that the TrackPlayingExecutor executes at intervals.
    • startTrackProgressExecutor

      private static void startTrackProgressExecutor()
      Starts the async thread to listen for track progress changes.
    • updateTrackProgress

      private static void updateTrackProgress()
      The method that the TrackProgressChangeExecutor executes at intervals.
    • stopExecutorServices

      private static void stopExecutorServices()
      Stops all async executors gracefully.