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screenSize - Static variable in class az.araezarzosa.spotifyoverlay.spotify_in_game_overlay.OverlayWindow
The size of the user's screen.
seekToPositionInCurrentlyPlayingTrack(int) - Static method in class az.araezarzosa.spotifyoverlay.spotify_in_game_overlay.App
Seeks the user's playback to the specified position.
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class az.araezarzosa.spotifyoverlay.spotify_in_game_overlay.SpotifyAuthorizationServer
setAlbumArt(BufferedImage) - Static method in class az.araezarzosa.spotifyoverlay.spotify_in_game_overlay.OverlayWindow
Setter for the album art corresponding to the current playing track displayed in the overlay.
setArtistName(String) - Static method in class az.araezarzosa.spotifyoverlay.spotify_in_game_overlay.OverlayWindow
The setter for the artist name text field in the overlay.
setPositionString(String) - Static method in class az.araezarzosa.spotifyoverlay.spotify_in_game_overlay.OverlayWindow
Setter for the string describing the position of the overlay.
setProgress(int) - Static method in class az.araezarzosa.spotifyoverlay.spotify_in_game_overlay.OverlayWindow
The setter for the progress bar, indicating how long a track has been playing.
setProgressMax(int) - Static method in class az.araezarzosa.spotifyoverlay.spotify_in_game_overlay.OverlayWindow
The setter for the maximum of the progress bar, namely the length of a song in milliseconds.
setSongName(String) - Static method in class az.araezarzosa.spotifyoverlay.spotify_in_game_overlay.OverlayWindow
The setter for the track name text field in the overlay.
setVolume(int) - Static method in class az.araezarzosa.spotifyoverlay.spotify_in_game_overlay.OverlayWindow
The setter for the value of the volume slider.
setVolumePlayback(int) - Static method in class az.araezarzosa.spotifyoverlay.spotify_in_game_overlay.App
Change's the user's volume on Spotify to the specified value.
setWindowOpacity(float) - Static method in class az.araezarzosa.spotifyoverlay.spotify_in_game_overlay.OverlayWindow
Sets the overlay's opacity to the desired number.
setWindowPosition(int, int) - Static method in class az.araezarzosa.spotifyoverlay.spotify_in_game_overlay.OverlayWindow
Sets the overlay's position to the specified coordinates on the screen.
setWindowSize(String) - Static method in class az.araezarzosa.spotifyoverlay.spotify_in_game_overlay.OverlayWindow
Sets the overlay's size to the desired set size
Namely, Small, Medium, or Large
showOverlay() - Static method in class az.araezarzosa.spotifyoverlay.spotify_in_game_overlay.OverlayWindow
Displays the overlay and whatever track information it can receive upon starting.
sizeList - Static variable in class az.araezarzosa.spotifyoverlay.spotify_in_game_overlay.App
Combo box storing Strings for choosing the size of the overlay
sizeStrings - Static variable in class az.araezarzosa.spotifyoverlay.spotify_in_game_overlay.App
List of Strings for choosing the size of the overlay.
skipUsersPlaybackToNextTrack() - Static method in class az.araezarzosa.spotifyoverlay.spotify_in_game_overlay.App
Switches the user's playback to the next track in the queue.
skipUsersPlaybackToPreviousTrack() - Static method in class az.araezarzosa.spotifyoverlay.spotify_in_game_overlay.App
Switches the user's playback to the previous track in the queue.
songNameLabel - Static variable in class az.araezarzosa.spotifyoverlay.spotify_in_game_overlay.OverlayWindow
The label displaying the song name.
spotifyApi - Static variable in class az.araezarzosa.spotifyoverlay.spotify_in_game_overlay.App
The API object responsible for making calls to Spotify.
SpotifyAuthorizationServer - Class in az.araezarzosa.spotifyoverlay.spotify_in_game_overlay
Stores the server that assists in app authorization.
SpotifyAuthorizationServer() - Constructor for class az.araezarzosa.spotifyoverlay.spotify_in_game_overlay.SpotifyAuthorizationServer
SpotifyAuthorizationServer.AuthorizationHandler - Class in az.araezarzosa.spotifyoverlay.spotify_in_game_overlay
The handler that runs after callback from the authorization page.
SpotifyOverlayContextListener - Class in az.araezarzosa.spotifyoverlay.spotify_in_game_overlay
The listener that calls back to SpotifyAuthorizationServer when authorization is successful.
SpotifyOverlayContextListener() - Constructor for class az.araezarzosa.spotifyoverlay.spotify_in_game_overlay.SpotifyOverlayContextListener
startResumeUsersPlayback() - Static method in class az.araezarzosa.spotifyoverlay.spotify_in_game_overlay.App
Resumes the user's playback.
startServer() - Static method in class az.araezarzosa.spotifyoverlay.spotify_in_game_overlay.SpotifyAuthorizationServer
Starts the server on the designated port number.
startTrackChangeUpdateExecutor() - Static method in class az.araezarzosa.spotifyoverlay.spotify_in_game_overlay.OverlayWindow
Starts the async thread to listen for track changes.
startTrackPlayingExecutor() - Static method in class az.araezarzosa.spotifyoverlay.spotify_in_game_overlay.OverlayWindow
Starts the async thread to listen for track playing/pausing changes.
startTrackProgressExecutor() - Static method in class az.araezarzosa.spotifyoverlay.spotify_in_game_overlay.OverlayWindow
Starts the async thread to listen for track progress changes.
stopExecutorServices() - Static method in class az.araezarzosa.spotifyoverlay.spotify_in_game_overlay.OverlayWindow
Stops all async executors gracefully.
stopServer(Server) - Static method in class az.araezarzosa.spotifyoverlay.spotify_in_game_overlay.SpotifyAuthorizationServer
Stops the specified server.
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