Moist Master is a Discord chatbot made especially for a community server. It specializes in playing music
from YouTube and disallowing certain roles from performing commands. It also has simple moderation functions,
allowing users with higher privileges in the server to kick or ban people from the server with a single command.
Here, we can see that Moist Master handles a chat command to play a link. The link is fed into
the LavaPlayer API and used to play the audio for the video onto the voice output of the bot. The output sound
is full quality, or moreso dependent on the set quality of the voice channel the bot is in.
The bot also has various commands regarding the current playing track, including its name and how much longer it'll last.
The bot also logs every message sent in the server it is in. In this example, user "Mildly OCD" says "Correct,
but irrelevant." in the #general text channel. The ID of the message is also recorded in case of needed reference.
In the screenshots above, the bot simply repeats user input. It also deletes the command message. Nothing crazy.